Saturday, May 25, 2013

Friday Night

Oh how things change over a few years.  My early 20's I would rather die than be home alone on a Friday night.  But last night could not have been better.  29 years old and now my thoughts are, "I hope I don't have any plans Friday night so I can stay in and relax!" Ha! My 23 year old self would be horrified.  But I guess that is what happens, you adapt to how life changes.  Being a single girl and friends with married girls has its perks; staying home on a Friday night has become one of them.  All week I was looking forward to the plans I was making with myself for Friday night: do a couple loads of laundry, wrap up in a big blanket with a homemade bucket of popcorn and watch endless episodes of Lost until I fall asleep (which was actually around 9:30 haha!).  And it was perfection! Except for the part where I made an enormous amount of popcorn for one person, which went flying and spilling everywhere.  And when I impatiently wanted to peak under the lid to get a glimpse of the popcorn popping, a kernel popped right out and flew into my eye.  For a moment I thought I might be blind, but it all ended well.  This is the life.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like fun! :) I love low-key Friday nights.
