Saturday, June 2, 2012

Watch Them Grow

I am so excited about my newest "project".  About a month ago Gabriel and I were walking around the toy store he works part time at and a brightly colored box caught my eye.  It had a picture of very happy children with butterflies flying around them.  The box contained a net cage and a coupon to send in to a magical place where they send you caterpillars in the mail.  You watch them grow inside of a small jar for 7 to 10 days.  Once they turn themselves into chrysalids, you transfer them into the cage and wait patiently for the transformation into Painted Lady butterflies takes place.  When I saw that box, I knew this was my destiny.  I know that sounds extreme, but my excitement was equally extreme.  And that colorful box has not disappointed.  I have enjoyed this process as much as those happy children on the box seem to have.

This is what they looked like when I first received them,
so cute and small.  All that "stuff" in there is food, and poop.
(not sure which is which, hopefully they know)

Here they are today.  They seem to be getting bigger before my eyes! There are five of them: Leonard, Sheldon, Penny, Howard, and Rajesh.  Aren't God's creatures amazing? The way He created the caterpillar to go through such a huge transformation into a completely different creature.  Kind of like the way He transforms us from a sinner into a completely new creation.  What a beautiful example of His love for us!

1 comment:

  1. OK, 2 things. No, 3.

    1. We need to see a pic of the happy kids on the box;
    2. I LOVE those names you picked!!
    3. Where did you get the name Rajesh?
